
David M. Israel: Exclusive interview with the screenwriter-producer of the American series Dynasty CW

The Emmy  and Golden Globe Award-winning television producer and screenwriter David M.Israel speaks exclusively to HerNews and to all fans of the american Dynasty CW show that we all loved through Netflix ! David M.Israel, one of the screenwriters and co-producer of our beloved series, answered to all my questions and he  is very excited that the series has such an impact all over the world.

I started watching Dynasty on Season 1,and I  became a huge fan of the series Dynasty !When did you realize you were part of such a special project?

I joined the writing staff of Dynasty in Season 2 and while bingeing Season 1 to catch up, I quickly realized the show had a passionate fan base around the world. It is mind-blowing that people in so many countries, including Greece, are deeply invested in the turbulent lives of the Carringtons. I now have fans, and enemies, on several continents.

How did you feel when you wrote your first episode of the successful series ?

I wrote my first episode of Season 2 with Paula Sabbaga, a brilliant, funny writer (from Brazil), who helped me find the voices of the characters and rhythms of the scenes. We got to write a savage tennis scene where Liam’s mother, Laura Van Kirk, drills Liam in the back during an aggressive point. That was fun to shoot. Maybe less fun for Adam Huber (Liam).  We also wrote a scene where Fallon and Liam connect emotionally, in bed, with a pillow fort between them, which became a fan favorite. Paula basically wrote that scene. I spell-checked it.

What’s the most fascinating or your favourite  scene you ever wrote in an episode of Dynasty ?

I’m fortunate to have written many fascinating scenes on Dynasty including a girls’ trip karaoke night turned brawl (co-written with Aubrey Villalobos Karr) and the magical scene where Liam proposes to Fallon at the end of his noir-detective story. I didn’t have much experience writing a scene where a long lost son (Adam) confronts the mother who abandoned him (Alexis) — then pushes her head into a fireplace as punishment for lying to him — but Paula and I made it flow. Spoiler?

Who’s been your favorite character of the series ?

I like writing for all the characters on Dynasty because they all have their own quirks and patterns. It’s fun pushing Blake to be ruthless, vicious and a loving family man. Anders is fun because he says it how he sees it and doesn’t give a damn what anyone thinks. It’s a joy to write for Fallon because her character fully commits to whatever path she’s blazing. Until she pivots without blinking an eye to blaze in a different direction. She’s dramatic and wickedly funny, usually in the same scene.

How many plot twists would  we see in season 4 ?

Season 4 has more plot twists in each episode than some entire series I’ve worked on. Some are insane. And wonderful.

One of the best things about the series is that it doesn’t shy away from some of the original Dynasty while remaining firmly grounded in the present. What’s your opinion about that ?

It’s a dream scenario for our writing staff that we have 9 seasons worth of storylines and characters from the OG Dynasty to play with. Our first showrunner Sallie Patrick, and current showrunner Josh Reims both love bringing back iconic scenes, characters and storylines because they know how passionate Dynasty fans are about them.  At the same time, we make sure to adjust what we borrow to keep the show feeling current. It’s fun seeing the fans speculate on who’s coming back next. One OG character you’ll see in Season 4 who fans have been screaming for is…!! You’ll see!

Προεπισκόπηση εικόνας

How has it been on set since COVID -19 came into our lives ?How difficult it was ?

COVID 19 forced us to scale back on the enormity of our episodes — we love our big parties and big events. Our brilliant production team in Atlanta got creative about how to make the world of the Carringtons appear as grandiose as ever without having to pack the sets with hundreds of extras and limiting the numbers of our crew on set to keep everyone safe. We couldn’t have writers on set for the same reason, which was unfortunate because I love being there to collaborate with the director, cast and crew when we shoot. We still collaborated, via an app, but it wasn’t the same as being there in person.

The cast is looking awesome ! How much fun do you have on set ?

I have a blast on set. It’s amazing to see the work of so many people and departments, like wardrobe, set-dressing and props, come together to produce an episode. Creative energy flows from every direction. Our cast is fantastic. They take their roles seriously without taking themselves seriously. It’s fun to hang with them between scenes where you get to know them better — until they get whisked back to stage by an Assistant Director who tells you to “stop talking to the cast, David. They have work to do.” Tough crew.

This is a series that fans have been anticipating for nearly three decades. How did you get involved with the project?

Before my first season on Dynasty, I was writing/producing the show UnREAL, about the craziness that takes place behind the scenes of a reality/dating show. It had a delicious blend of drama, comedy and insanity, which seemed to fit tonally with the chaos of the Carrington and Colby families. Dynasty brought me in for Season 2 and Season 5 will be my fourth season. They haven’t pushed me into a fireplace or buried me in the lake. Yet.

I feel like Dynasty took on a life of its own after it was put on Netflix and became available to almost the entire world. How do you reconcile the fact that your show is viewed and adored in more than a hundred countries?

As I said earlier, the global scope of our fanbase blows me away. Season 4 is airing every Friday night in the US, which is great for fans here but torturous for fans around the world who are freaking out that they have to wait until the season ends before they can watch on Netflix.  It’s a wonderful thing when your show is appreciated in your own country but it’s next level that people in over 100 countries are equally if not more invested. I don’t know if they love watching the highs and bottomless lows of a super wealthy and powerful American family or if they connect with the characters on a human, more universal level. Or maybe they just like the wild costumes. We’re grateful for our fans. Even the OG Dynasty loyalists who like to let us know we should be more faithful to their beloved Carringtons. 

David you are an Emmy and Golden Globe winning producer and writer . What is your advice for younger people who would like to make it in Hollywood ?

Good question. I hear it often. There’s no one path to make it in Hollywood and there are no shortcuts. Whatever you’re passionate about — writing, acting, directing, post-production, hair, makeup — you should be doing routinely wherever you live. It’s never been easier to make your own projects. So dig deep, become capable or great at your craft, then move here and figure out a way to be seen and heard. It may seem like a long shot but it’s a people business so work hard, make your own luck and become one of those people.

Bonus question: Dynasty became very successful in Greece, we love the series and we are waiting for season 4 on Netflix !! Would you visit Greece for your vacations ? And where in Greece would you like to visit ?

I’ve never been to Greece. I would love to visit Greece. I’d like to see the ruins, the beaches and the monks. Maybe I can set up a doubles match on Thessaloniki — Fallon and Laura Van Kirk vs. me and Stefanos Tsitsipas. I wouldn’t bet against the ladies because on Dynasty, “tennis is a blood sport.”

David thank you so much for the exclusive interview! It is an honour for me and HerNews! We are  looking  forward to the 4th season of the Dynasty series !! Thank you David!

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Sissy Gatzoudi


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